In this update we look at some nightmarish situations, but don't be spooked - Fieldings Porter can help you sort out anything scary!
DEVILISH TRIVIA Did you know that the advocatus diaboli (Latin for Devil's advocate) is a former official position within the Catholic Church, the Promoter of the Faith: one who "argued against the canonization (sainthood) of a candidate in order to uncover any character
flaws or misrepresentation of the evidence favouring canonization" (Wikipedia).
SAVE THE DATE - CHRISTMAS CAROL CONCERT Join us at the Parish Church at 6:30pm on Saturday 16 December for the Annual Christmas Charity Carol Concert, featuring the Fieldings Porter Choir, Corus Brass and the BMS Singers.
GET IN TOUCH Whatever legal issues you encounter, you need only pick up the phone and speak to a member of our team. Recognised as an approachable and very knowledgable bunch, we’re always happy to chat. Contact us on the office numbers below:
01204 540900
0161 834 4722
Legal Updates
A Building Nightmare Relieved by good legal advice
Gross Misconduct But still unfair dismissal
Morally Flawed But legally correct
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